Monday 6 June 2016


Goal setting is critical to the success of any business; sometimes you need to hit the “reset” button, this will avail the opportunity to think ahead with hope and excitement about what new idea to actualize.
As a business person you need a level of self discipline towards setting and actualizing  a goal, get the below successful steps towards goal settings and actualization.

Be Specific
It is important for every entrepreneur to clearly communicate the tasks or expectations that team members must accomplish or demonstrate to achieve successful results. Performance goals should function in a way that aligns with the growth and development of each member / team along with that of your business.

Be Realistic
We should set goals that are challenging but attainable based on our knowledge, skills and access to necessary resources when carrying out our daily tasks. We can also seek input from more experienced business colleague alike, not forgetting to monitor and update your goals as circumstances change in order to sustain and improve performance.

Be Deadline-Driven
Realistic time-frame for achieving goals to increase productivity should be set. For ongoing or long-term goals, regularly monitor progress and provide feedback to keep subordinates/team motivated and focused on the desired outcome of all set goals.

When goals are numerous or complex, it is easy for us to lose sense of priority and simply jump from one task to another without order or focus. However, ranking is helpful because it helps guide us and gives understanding on the relative importance of each goal.

Be Measurable

We need to clearly understand how our appraisals are measured individually. Some performance, such as sales numbers, can be measured quantitatively, while others, such as customer service, are qualitative. This helps to shed more light on areas that needs improvement and adjustments.

Success is the sum total of small effort repeated Day-In; Day Out... Robert Collier

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