You never get a second
chance to make a first impression. Customers always have a choice and you are
one of the options they have, if they are not impress with your capability… they simply walk away. At this sensitive stage, SBOs
(Start-up Business Owners) must get it right to ensure business sustainability
and growth.
Customers notice and often interpret your personality without allowing you respond. How you walk, dress, the language of your body, your speech, and your attitude. You might be able to change their opinion of you at a second meeting, but it's not easy. Of course, i have seen people make this mistake repeatedly.
Customers notice and often interpret your personality without allowing you respond. How you walk, dress, the language of your body, your speech, and your attitude. You might be able to change their opinion of you at a second meeting, but it's not easy. Of course, i have seen people make this mistake repeatedly.
There are three (3) vital tips Start-up business must adhere to:
- Dress appropriately: When in doubt what to wear, just follow the lead of your competitors and what match your profession. Of course, the rules of your business should be followed regarding dress. People notice your hands, especially if you speak with them. Make sure they are clean, if possible well-manicured, yes, this apply to both gender. Clear nail polish is always a trick to make your fingernails appear to be well-manicured. Your business dress itself is an investment, and could be a plus to charge more than standard, so it's always better to have a few fine quality clothes than numerous garments that actually look cheap. And, by all means, make sure to polish your shoes, nice haircut, and pleasant smell!
- Introductions: When you are being introduced to someone, always rise and shake hands, being sure to smile and give your name, for first time encounter, politely correcting customer if he mispronounces your name. Unlike social interactions which go by gender and age, business introductions go by power or rank. The higher ranking person is the first to offer a business card, and is referred to as Mr. or Mrs. unless he uses your first name and specifically states that you may call him by his. If you forget his name--and who of us hasn't forgotten a name?--don't be embarrassed about it; just admit it. Create a friendly and professional atmosphere. It used to be that a man would shake a woman's hand only if she extended it first, a complete and firm handshake at that. Of course, sweaty palms are certainly never very nice. At least try to be inconspicuous when you dry off your palms. If the other person fails to extend his hand, don't worry about it. That would be his own fault.
- Avoid these: Negative body language, such as tightly crossing your arms, tapping your fingers or foot, swinging your leg, slumping or sitting back in the chair instead of on just the front two-thirds, which gives you better posture, chewing gum and hiding your hands in your pockets.
Did you know! Every
customers talk about how they came about your product/services and how their
first experience made them, regular consumers. First impression matters,
get it right and build your customer’s trust.
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Abayomi Awojirin is the co-founder project Fixitsme, an entrepreneur, Business Analyst, I have industry experience in eCommerce. I am a participant pursing a certificate in Social Media Specialization, Coursera, Northwestern University. Feel free to reach out or connect with me on Twitter and LinkedIn
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Noted, quite helpful!
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