Saturday, 23 April 2016

3 Effective Business Communication Tips to Retaining First-Time Customers

Have you ever wonder why first-time customer jump in and out? These customers do not just like something about you... Maybe your voice, location, tune of response, competence  and ability to solve their immediate needs. Apparently, prospective and existing customers can read these with your use of words. This is why you must win their trust and commitment right there and subsequently.
According to Emily Stanford article titled ''5Tips and Tricks for Amazing Customer Service''...  you need to measure what matters most to this customer and profile a service experience that is smart, personalized, and requires minimal effort on their part. You must realize the best first time experience keeps the future of business. Business success depends on whether you can deliver on these expectations.
First-time Customer
Daniel Cran mentioned in his article titled Optimizing The Customer Experience For Business Success that When communicating with new customers, they expect a response within 10 minutes. This is a standard that businesses should strive to meet, and if possible, exceed. Consumers need an immediate assurance that you can and will be at where your service is needed, long waiting times in reaching a customer to help them resolve an issues can obviously be frustrating. Service providers need to ensure that they have the right processes, resources, technologies and communication skills to meet this customers' expectation. Providing customers with this assurance is the first step in the right direction when building a long term positive customer relationship.

Here are the most important attributes you must use:
  1. Create the best and lasting impression: The warm smile a customer receives while you handle his/her needs goes a long way to linger a lasting business relationship. Customer can feel your smiles and willingness even on phone.
  2. Be empathetic: First time customers need extreme care and they want you to understand how they feel, you must show them that you understand their situation and you’re competent to fix whatever their request is.
  3. Be timely: Failing your first time customer means no further patronage and losing other referrals. It is better to under-promise and over-deliver.

Creating the best first time impression is the soul of every business and secret behind customer acquisition. Get them at the first contact.

Abayomi Awojirin is the co-founder project Fixitsme, an entrepreneur, Business Analyst. I am a participant pursing a certificate in Social Media Specialization,  Northwestern University via Coursera. Feel free to reach out or connect with me on Twitter and LinkedIn

1 comment:

fixitsme said...

Wow... nice piece.